Aquarium LED Lighting
New Natura iCon
The only LED Reef Light in the market that can reproduce Nature at its fullest!

New OR4 iCon
Orphek OR4 iCon LED Bar is our newest launch! Now with new features like Sun & Moon Sync and 10,000% dimming.

iCon App
Enjoy advanced features such as Sun & Moon Sync, Acclimation, Clouds, Helius, and Moon Cycle to create a perfect 24-hour cycle with our advanced app.

Orphek products available here at our store.
Public Aquarium & Venues
Orphek works closely with curators, engineers, LSS experts, researchers and companies providing technologies and suppliers to public aquariums and venues to help them achieve their goals.

About Us
Orphek has a range of LED Aquarium lighting solutions capable of delivering products that provide perfect intensity/efficiency and spectrum to all shapes, sizes, depths of tanks and all locations.

Incredible aquariums from our customers.

News and Articles
OR4 iCon 30 Sun & Moon Synchronization LED Bars - New Product Launch
OR4 iCon 30 Sun & Moon Synchronization LED Bars - New Product Launch OR4 iCon 30 LED Bar mounted with...
Orphek Natura iCon Reef Aquarium LED Lighting video review by Reefs.com
Our newest launch, the Natura iCon Sun & Moon Synchronization fully reviewed by American website Reefs.com in an awesome video!...
New product launches - New Orphek Mounting Solutions for your aquarium set up with new possibilities!
New product launches - New Orphek Mounting Solutions for your aquarium set up with new possibilities! Perfect positioning of one...